Saturday, November 14, 2009

When the Teacher Is Ready

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

This is true.

It is also true that when the teacher is ready, the student will appear.

A good guide is the secret to good teaching.


Jay Clark said...

Very well said, friend. :)

strokeofliving said...

Since you are on I Wonder Wye's reading list, I occasionally pop over to check out your blog. Today nicely done! Please feel free to stop by my blog any time.

Dr. Mike said...

The Black Hat Ate My Homework

Out of the black top hat
Rabbit appears
A merry prankster
And shape-shifter
Among the Navajos

Out of the same black top hat
A dove appears
Harbinger of peace
Shitting on the audience
As hunters take aim

Out of the black top hat
A teacher appears
And with a ruler
Whacks the magician
Across the knuckles

[Disposable Poem November 13, 2009]
Dr. Mike

vintage said...

Well said!!.. very nice!...