I grew up in Christian fundamentalism, went to hell, came back, became a Presbyterian then a Buddhist Presbyterian, and now I'm a profane Presbyterian Zen Taoist -- not that I'm into labels or anything. Here's what I've learned so far: The more you know, the more you know you don't know.
Seven is a Mystical Number
When you take a watch into Customer Services, nobody will give you back lost time.
Just when you regain balance walking on sidewalks, the Scouts Club takes a hike over uneven terrain on Mt. Nebo.
Peacocks may have rainbow feathers, but when they open their mouths, they scream.
Vision arrives long after the fires of California have burnt out.
Because every place you went to was where I had wanted to be, you lived my life for me. How was it?
Aging regresses into childhood wonder at Little Red Riding Hood approaching death.
Wisdom is the last tooth in your mouth: chiasmus becoming a paradox.
[Disposable Prose November 2, 2009]
Dr. Mike
Me thinks you find the last one -- wisdom -- by experiencing the other six.
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