Monday, November 30, 2009

A Tangled Knot

I am a knot of perceptions moving through a small sliver of time and a small sliver of space.

There's so little of me that it's almost as if I'm not here at all, but to me, it's everything -- to me, that is.

But what is "me"?

The older I become, the more mysterious I find "me" to be. The knot grows ever more tangled and intricate.

The more I know, the less I understand.


Dr. Mike said...

Gordian Knot

Entwined without loose
Ends, that rope could not
Be unwound from its flagpole

Similarly, people at loose ends
Become so knotted up inside
That they wreak havoc everywhere

Beware mistaking complex
Wisdom for an identity
Twisted up by double-binds

Or Alexander may slice it
In half with a sword and
Become Emperor of all Asia

[Disposable Poem November 30, 2009]
Dr. Mike

The Rambling Taoist said...

The more I know, the less I understand. :D