Why take on the fears of others?
Why not let them deal with their own?
Don't I have fears enough to deal with already?
And what is fear but a lack of trust? A lack
of faith that I will be okay no matter what.
What a small thing fear becomes
when seen through the eyes of God.
The Know-Nothings
The Know-Nothing Party of the 1850s has returned with a vengeance and seized power. They have no solutions to offer for curing the nation’s ills; instead, they are obstructionists who enjoy shouting down their opponents and scaring everybody else with their implacable self-righteousness. This time their candidate is a soccer mom from Alaska. They know that more people fear the unknown than are willing to take a risk on hoping for something better. Government sold their children into an unwinnable war. That’s all government is good for – bickering over what’s left after bankruptcy and cutting deals in the back room. People need their shopping more than health care.
[Disposable Rant January 20, 2010]
Dr. Mike
Rant on, brother.
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