Friday, January 22, 2010

Enemies Under the Same Roof

If a man finds he has enemies in his own house, it is more likely he invited them in himself than that they broke in against his will.

We help to create what we oppose.


Dr. Mike said...


You have to grow
Marrow in the bones
If you don't want to
Break under pressure
We make enemies
Of those we love

Close quarters change
How we treat each other
Burrs underfoot burst
Their balls of blood
We make enemies
Of those we love

Cautious as a lynx
Whose cunning eyes
Slice through the dark
We crouch and purr
Only to make enemies
Of those we love

Tart spurs dart
From gaseous mist
Birthing stars
Who knows how
We make enemies
Of those we love

[Disposable Poem January 23, 2010]
Dr. Mike

The Rambling Taoist said...

Your message today is more dead on than I would like. ;)

HK Stewart said...

RT: Yeah, it's a bitch, isn't it.