Friday, April 23, 2010

In God's Image

The Bible tells us we are created in God's image.

If this is so, it isn't because we wear white robes and scowl and have long hair.

It is because we are willing to forgive even when no apology is offered.

It is because we strive for fairness even where there is no hope of justice.

It is because we act compassionately even when we have every reason not to.

It is because we create everything from poems to salad dressings just because we can.

1 comment:

Dr. Mike said...


She it was who came before He,
Snipping the thread on eternity,
And coddled her children
Who knew she would care,
Here, now, and everywhere.

The children she coddled
Whenever they were troubled
Relied for warmth on her constancy
And so would risk eternity
Doing what most they would dare.

In whose image are we
To be both here and nowhere,
Children of a deity,
Comfort, for all despair,
She it was who came before He.

[Disposable Poem April 23, 2010]
Dr. Mike