Monday, July 12, 2010

Crime Spree

You steal from the world
when you do not seek your potential.

You cheat the galaxy
when you do not explore your uniqueness.

You rob the universe
when you withhold the best that you are.


Dr. Mike said...

Night Light

Forget who I was,
Blackbird, and let me become
The impossible
Starfish with impunity
Like pine without the needles.

[Disposable Tanka July 12, 2010]

In Memoriam Harvey Pekar

Cleveland ain’t nobody’s
Baby but mine, Ma Rainey
Shoulda sung on this
Vinyl Seventy-Eight race
Record in prime condition.

[Disposable Tanka July 12, 2010]
Dr. Mike

bambooandplumblossom said...

I never had snough confidence to look at it that way, wow a new perception.

HK Stewart said...


I hope you do now.

H. K.

Fiat Lex said...

A starling who steals
a gold necklace lines its nest
and still grubs for worms.