Saturday, July 24, 2010

Ridding the World of Evil

Both sides honor their heroes.
Both sides mourn their dead.

Before the world can rid itself of evil,
it must first decide who is evil.

That's easy for a tribe to do,
not so easy for a world to do.

1 comment:

Dr. Mike said...

A Dervish

There must be something
Better than this
Better than this

Humping flack packs
Over hot coals
Over hot coals

Scoping out doorways
For dark shadows
For dark shadows

Zigzag through the rubble
Alive in the moment
Alive in the moment

With bullets for teeth
Worn like a blessing
Worn like a blessing

Wiping the corner
Of a wandering eye
A wandering eye

Let me break it down
For you a hustle
For you a hustle

Beggars at the trip wire
Already shouting
Already shouting

[Disposable Poem July 24, 2010]
Dr. Mike