Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Predictable or Unpredictable?

If I seek a strictly predictable life,
I should be aware of its pitfalls:
I will seek only my own kind.
I will exclude the other --
no matter who or what it is.
I will strive to control those around me.

If I seek a strictly unpredictable life,
I also risk falling into traps:
I will lose all roots.
I will give up compassion for others
and become indifferent to their woes.
I will ask little or nothing of myself,
despite my abilities.

If I seek both the predictable
and the unpredictable,
I chance living a larger life:
I will seek to know others
even as I live contentedly inside my own skin.
I will realize I am happiest in my own life
when I care about the lives of others.
I will go out into the world,


Dr. Mike said...

Life Choices

When battered back and forth by wind and hail,
A boat can choose to raise – or not -- its sail.

[Disposable Couplet September 21, 2010]
Dr. Mike

Unknown said...

The same might be said thusly:
If I live a life centered solely on the human I will fall short of God's will.
If I live a life removed from others and look only for the Holy Other I will still fall short of God's will.
Only when I seek God while in the midst of community will I know a full life of love and service.