Friday, September 10, 2010

Fear Is Our Greatest Weapon

Fear is our greatest weapon
against our own best interests.

Fear strips us of our willingness to see
the divine in, around, and among us.

It leaves us unwilling
to believe we will be okay.

No matter what,
we will be okay.


Dr. Mike said...

“Art is the compression of infinite spiritual power into a confined space.” – Josef von Sternberg.

Somebody must have given him what
He wanted: An iceberg in crystal
Landmass of icicles of light dipped
In blood as slowly as thought crawling
Toward flashing paparazzi. Planks groan
Against a razor grip that snaps nails
Loose in bursts of brume popping eardrums
With their ghastly echo. His ship stalled,
Sails flaccid after losing their breath –
Indeed there is no oxygen here
At the summit. Only white blindness
To peel like sunstroke from what little
Remains of his face, concealed behind
Dark goggles and whiskers of fur. Sight
Freezes. He can no longer tell where
One snow ends and another begins.
This must be the rapture: cirrus clouds
Made earth, where no man’s boots leave a trail
For those who follow. He had not thought
Victory was oblivion, flags
Planted for no one to find, nations
Without borders, or corporations
Profitless and naked in the waste.

[Disposable Poem September 10, 2010]
Dr. Mike

HK Stewart said...

Dr. Mike:
That is a great poem. Thanks.
H. K.