Friday, August 27, 2010

When Noise Becomes Music

When noise
becomes music,
is it because our taste
has become vulgar?

Or is it because
we have learned
to seek beauty in the
ten thousand things?


Dr. Mike said...

Good Things

Good things happen at nightfall
When lovers embrace in the snow
Covering tracks like the prayer shawl
Of Laura and Dr. Zhivago.

Good things happen at sunrise
When waking they find common cause
And join a community of allies
Building decent and just laws.

Good things happen at midday
When baskets of bread multiply
To bees beneath a bouquet
As mischievous children fly by.

Regret remains for the sunset,
The twilight of would-have-been’s,
A broom sweeping out the debt
Glimpsed though a clouded lens.

[Disposable Poem August 27, 2010]

Unknown said...

all sound is not gives wings to sound