Saturday, October 17, 2009

Meeting Myself

Whenever I encounter another human being, I want to come away knowing myself better than I did before. This is my life's task, after all -- to discover who I am.

Maybe this is automatic. Maybe I don't have to try to draw an insight out of every human contact. Maybe it happens every time two or more of us come together, regardless of the circumstances.

We meet ourselves in one another.

1 comment:

Dr. Mike said...


Burning paper money
Over my family graves

Lighting a candle
In the window for

The lost and still

It is not myself
I seek in others

But a way to atone
For being myself

When I ought to be
Paying attention

To what they believe
They can see

“We used to dream together
Now I dream alone”

[Disposable Poem October 17, 2009]
Dr. Mike