Thursday, October 1, 2009

Two Lost Companions

A man and his companion lost their way on the road one morning and couldn't find any signs or familiar landmarks to tell them where they were. Even so, the man kept driving.

Just as they were both beginning to get worried, he saw a sign pointing the way to a nearby town. With joy, he turned and headed the 30 miles toward it.

His companion asked him why they were going to a town they both knew was in the opposite direction of where they wanted to go.

"Because it is the only thing I know for sure right now," he replied.


Dr. Mike said...

Great parable!


The city where I was born
Another city has taken over

Layer upon layer, new buildings
Have overgrown those seven hills

Mt. Adams’ steep sidewalks do not wind
To a subterranean beatnik bookstore

Friends from my confused and troubled
Youth have changed addresses and names

Or have disappeared along with the songs
And bottles of scotch late into the night

Now nothing is familiar for me to revisit
And when I come back I am lost all over again

Even the graves in Spring Grove
Cemetery need to be scraped clean

[Disposable Poem October 1, 2009]
Dr. Mike

Dame Nuisance said...

I've had a number of days like that ... the scariest ones are when I know for sure that I don't know anything ...

Great post. Visiting from I Wonder Wye.

The Rambling Taoist said...

Your post made me chuckle. I can hear my wife saying, "That just sounds so much like a MAN."

HK Stewart said...

Welcome, S.E. I hope you come back soon.

BTW, good news on that "don't know anything" line: the more you know, the more you know you don't know.

I guess if you learn enough, you really won't know anything.


R.T.: Men don't ask for directions because we're too busy telling other people what to do.

Thanks for reading, my friend. I hope the weather in Washington is nice.