I grew up in Christian fundamentalism, went to hell, came back, became a Presbyterian then a Buddhist Presbyterian, and now I'm a profane Presbyterian Zen Taoist -- not that I'm into labels or anything. Here's what I've learned so far: The more you know, the more you know you don't know.
1 comment:
My father returned from the war
A changed man. He was hungry
All the time. Recruited
For the Scouts Church Picnic,
He recreated military chili
That he’s made when
Aboard the cruiser heading
Toward Okinawa. Fortunately
Japan surrendered before
He had to fight. What
Really happened to him
He never spoke about
Except to buddies
Around a poker table
In the living room.
Smoking and drinking
Until he lost his temper
And started smashing
Everything. He had a violent
Streak and was totally
Unpredictable. Some days
After work, he’d be warm
And generous; other days
He’s beat the crap out of
Any of us for no reason.
That’s what war taught him,
I guess, how unexpected
Cruelty can be, how little
Can protect you, how much better
It is to be hated than loved.
[Disposable Poem September 30, 2009]
Dr. Mike
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