Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Justice and Fear

On the surface,
justice is the rebalancing
of competing interests.

it is the mitigation of fear
and blind separateness.

1 comment:

Dr. Mike said...

Judge J on Reciprocity

Give as good as you get, I always say. When you spot a con, it’s payback time! Too many good natured dupes snookered by fast-talking bums need a criminal court to even up the score and dish out a little justice. None of this gives me pleasure. Grim satisfaction is more like it, applying the law fairly to humiliate those who deserve being put in public stockades. And if I can’t meet out appropriate punishment, I sill know what goes around comes around. The law of averages in a good crap game proves everything will eventually balance out.

[Disposable Prose Poem October 10, 2009]
Dr. Mike