Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Best Still Inside

When you send out into the world
the best you have to offer,
the best that is still inside you will arise.

But only if you want it to.


Dr. Mike said...

Allopatric Speciation

Once this binary
Reproduction has played out,
A third species will
Leap, mind transformed, into space,
Light-years beyond the human.

[Disposable Tanka July 15, 2010]
Dr. Mike

Fiat Lex said...

It slowly bludgeons into you.
Your head aches with resisting it.
Desire is even harder when
you know that you've been missing it.

HK Stewart said...

Desire and guilt -- gifts that keep on giving.

Fiat Lex said...

What fuels carnivores
is death: need and shame are twin
incisors. I eat,
becoming both what I eat
and the way I consume it.

Can an animal
turn itself into a tree?
Yet soil, too, is death--
twice-worn flesh, leaves sanctified
by worms, whose mouths embrace all.