Friday, September 23, 2011

Here. Now.

When sitting,
just sit.

When eating,
just eat.

When walking,
just walk.

Of course.

But it isn't
the sitting
or the eating
or the walking.

It's the being.



Bei Kuan-Dao said...

To discover the wisdom of the "Now" is to awaken. To walk in it is to embrace life at its fullest.

Dr. Mike said...

Inside a Polyhedron

A diamond pyramid
Peaks the instant light
Triangulates the mirrors.

Its sharp horizons
Slice as through a lifeline
Of drizzle when they are touched.


What grow here are particles
That dream of being
Faster than light to bend time.

Notice how the hair uncurls
Peapods in a bean,
Ready to droop off the tongue.


Between these crosshairs of light
Multiples divide
Droplets of silver and gold.

Each flicker trips the breaker
And flashes once, quick
Signals with no trace behind.

Here the number of glass planes,
Angled for the sun,
Focus mercurial warmth.

The fly has a thousand eyes,
Nervous tics of doubt
From multiple perspectives.

Or can a sea-saw balance
On several tips
Without having to choose one?

To break through this would require
Contrapuntal worlds
From alternate paradigms.

Ecco-sketch a cloud, digits
Mapping all the curves,
To capture refracting fog.

Each snap can trap what has passed
But cannot hold on.
The nub smolders wistfully.


The sphere promises circles,
Continuity of
Families coming back home.

But shelters from twilight swell
Calm bewilderment
By counting random fireflies.

{Disposable Poem September 24, 2011]
Dr. Mike