We can see the birth of stars.
We can see the death of stars.
We can see stars in different stages of their lives.
But we cannot watch a star blaze into being,
grow up through star adolescence into
star adulthood and on into star old age
and death. Our own lifespans do not allow it.
So it is by speculation that we know
what we know about the lives of stars.
How many other things in our own lives
do we know what we know by speculation?
And what is speculation but another form of faith?
1 comment:
In Stir
The light occurs long after
The event which caused it.
Insight is always after the fact --
Melancholy or regret
Or bewildered bedazzlement
At how obvious was the risk.
Usually there’s no way
To repair the loss.
We are left holding
Stolen baseball cards.
[Disposable Poem December 8, 2009]
Dr. Mike
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