Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Casting Shadows

Birds cast shadows on the surface of a lake.
Fish cast shadows on the bed of a stream.
Leaves cast shadows on the floor of a forest.
Memories cast shadows on the ground of the present.
The Tao casts shadows on the mind of reason.

1 comment:

Dr. Mike said...


Some words are hollow reeds that play like flutes,
While some are weapons used to cause disputes.
Some words are cockle shells where sea nymphs dwell;
Some, bones of die dead poets toss from hell.

Some words are flashing neons hung from shops
While others taste like licorice cough drops.
Just crack them open for the thought inside;
Their marrow makes a people be one tribe.

Once words were wounds that shadowed Plato’s cave:
Ideas flesh embodied, then forgave,
By rolling back that stone of history,
For those we loved yet lost from memory.

But in each word, most agile is your breath
That whistles flinty diamonds from death.

[Disposable Sonnet October 19, 2010]
Dr. Mike