Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My True Path

What is my true path?

Do I hack it through the forest of my life,
or do I follow it through the trees?

Or do I sit still
and give up paths altogether?


The Rambling Taoist said...

The answer could be all of the above, a few of the above, one of the above or none of the above. In addition, the answer will probably be different at different times.

HK Stewart said...

Does my true path know all of this?

The Rambling Taoist said...

The point I was trying to make -- obviously not very well -- is that one's true path is not a singular path. It's not like you have one solitary bona fide path and all others are diversions.

Since life is dynamic and marked by change, one static path goes against nature. Me thinks we each have several paths that we follow at different times in our lives and, if we're in balance, each of these paths is true.