Thursday, September 6, 2018

The God of Our Minds

What is God if there is no God?

Is God just a "spiritual" experience? What is that, and why do so many people across time and space have them? Why are these experiences so compelling, so convincing? Why are they so nakedly personal and unshareable?

How do we know they're even real, that they're not just a cloud of brain chemistry? How do we know they aren't some random constellation of neurons firing inside our skull?

Why is it that some people have them and some people don't? Why do some who want them never seem to get them while others who have no interest in anything "spiritual" do?

Do we create God just by choosing to believe in a god? In other words, if we choose to believe in God, that decision changes the way we look at our surroundings, and that changes what we see when we look. Suddenly, we see the Divine all around us -- and even within us -- all because we choose to believe.

On the other hand, if we choose to believe that to have faith in any kind of Supreme Being is stupid, superstitious, and potentially lethal, then we don't look for evidence of some supernatural Grandfather, and in turn, we don't see evidence of the Divine, and there is no God. There is no God because we don't believe in God.

Do we create the God we need -- including nonexistent ones?

Yes. But only in our minds.

For me, it's about being awake. When I look, I see. When I listen, I hear. But only when I'm awake. Only when I'm aware. Only when I'm paying attention.

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