Thanks so much for taking time not only to read my blog but also to make a comment. I'm really glad your friend sent you here, and I hope you stop by again soon. (Read all you want. I'll write more.)
I hope you continue to get what you need along your journey, regardless of where you find it.
I grew up in Christian fundamentalism, went to hell, came back, became a Presbyterian then a Buddhist Presbyterian, and now I'm a profane Presbyterian Zen Taoist -- not that I'm into labels or anything. Here's what I've learned so far: The more you know, the more you know you don't know.
Beautifully written. I was sent to this page by a friend and this is just what I needed to read.
Thanks so much for taking time not only to read my blog but also to make a comment. I'm really glad your friend sent you here, and I hope you stop by again soon. (Read all you want. I'll write more.)
I hope you continue to get what you need along your journey, regardless of where you find it.
Thanks again,
H. K.
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