Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Sequence matters to us
in the universe of time and space
because it gives us the context we need
to understand our surroundings
and what is happening to us.

But how do we know
the future doesn't create the past
to bring itself into being?

How do we know
this present moment
where we live our lives
isn't creating the past and future
it needs to exist?

How do we know
cause and effect
aren't illusions we create
to limit our fears of the unknown?

1 comment:

Dr. Mike said...


Linkage is what you make of it.
This resembles that but is not
What it resembles. Each piece

Differs along the stone masonry
That may wall you in as you wall
Others out. That is the gift

Of what makes you human:
These tales and talismans
That explain not what really is
But what ought to be.

[Disposable Poem October 5, 2011]
Dr. Mike