What is the difference between eating and being eating? Between walking and being walking? Between sleeping and being sleeping? Between working and being working?
Eat. Walk. Sleep. Work. Are these what I do? Or what I become in doing?
This time next year will seem more important than the times we're in now, but that's only because we will have forgotten this Now in favor of that Now.
There can be only one now, and it always seems new.
No one is immune from danger. Natural disasters cross everyone's path. Sickness is the mirror side of health. Fear begets violence. Violence begets fear.
I grew up in Christian fundamentalism, went to hell, came back, became a Presbyterian then a Buddhist Presbyterian, and now I'm a profane Presbyterian Zen Taoist -- not that I'm into labels or anything. Here's what I've learned so far: The more you know, the more you know you don't know.