Friday, January 14, 2011


What do I do when I realize
I'm on the wrong path?

Do I turn and retrace my steps?
Do I study a map to find my way back?
Do I ask directions of those I meet?
Do I continue on my wayward way?
Do I sit motionless in the middle of the trail?

There is always a right way forward
no matter how lost I become.


Rizal Affif - The Soul Sanctuary said...

Be it a straight way or a long detour, all paths lead to One.

Dr. Mike said...


If there is no one to call
you from your shell,
how will you know
you are found?

Only the lost stay
lost, unable to answer
for themselves or
anyone else.

To be truly here,
somebody else must
need to see you
on the threshold.

And if you are here,
then you are not
among the lost
no matter how you feel.

[Disposable Poem January 15, 2011]
Dr. Mike

Dr. Mike said...

I like this photograph.

HK Stewart said...

Thanks, Dr. M.

Rizal: As I believe the Prophet said, there are as many paths to Allah as souls on earth, or something to that effect.

Thank you both for reading.

H. K.