Sunday, March 28, 2010

Looking Forward

When I travel to another place,
do I look forward to the trip?

When I sit down to eat,
do I look forward to the meal?

When I show up for work,
do I look forward to the task?

When I welcome friends and family,
do I look forward to their visits?

Why would I not want to
look forward to these things?

1 comment:

Dr. Mike said...


There’s bound to be a future
Inside each cookie, lucky numbers,
But now that my mother is gone
There’s no one to talk to.

As I move through the day,
There’s always a space
That’s become empty
On the periphery of vision.

Classical music, bizarre
Animation, wild birds
Instantly remind me
Who would have loved them.

The future no longer bears
Thinking: wheelchairs
In a nursing home roost
With nobody to visit.

[Disposable Poem March 28, 2010]
Dr, Mike