Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Stillness in the Meadow

Stillness in the meadow.
Stillness in the hills.
Stillness in the fields.
Stillness in the valley.
Stillness in the forest.
Stillness in the river bottoms.
Stillness in the lowest places.
Stillness in the heart.
Stillness in the mind.
Stillness in the hands.
Stillness in the spirit.
Stillness in the fabric of time.

Stillness begins in the stillness
of that which cannot be expressed.

1 comment:

Dr. Mike said...


What escapes words?
Thorax among reeds --
Deep bass grumbling
Of bullfrog toads
Hopscotching lily pads.

What escapes words?
Microchips crackling
Among red ants
Erecting pyramids
To their queen.

What escapes words?
Arkansas locusts,
Large and burly,
Rattling death chants
To the wheat crop.

In the meadow never
Is there stillness,
Thank God; even dew
Gongs prayer wheels
Imprisoning sunlight.

[Disposable Poem February 2, 2010]
Dr. Mike