Thursday, September 10, 2009

Feels So Good

To find clear water when you are thirsty feels so good.

To find a dry cave in the middle of a downpour feels so good.

To find a cold lake when you are baking in sunlight feels so good.

To find a hot fire when you are trapped in a snowstorm feels so good.

Wet, dry, cold, hot -- all end at the same place. Just at different times.

Another reason to be patient.


Dr. Mike said...


What has the rock heard
As water trickles over it?

Erosion, a grinding of the mind.
Slowly polishing down the ego.

What has the rock caught
And preserved in its womb of stone?

Fossils, skeletal memories of the past,
Sloughed off as wings of escaping life.

What has the rock taught
All other stars in this vast dark?

Gravity is a cocoon that hugs together
The sea and air, the breath of life.

Dr. Mike
[Disposable Poem Sept 10, 2009]

HK Stewart said...

Dr. Mike:

There's nothing disposable about your poem. Thank you for it, sir.

H. K.