Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Bliss is all
around us.

But you have
to look for it.

1 comment:

Dr. Mike said...

Cincinnati, Arkansas

They were no longer counting
the zombies. One survivor

raked gravel. One peach blossom
dropped down without causing

But where had it come from? It was
as if a drop of blood had fallen
into the well.

Purity of expression, as Arkansans knew,
transcended race. They smiled
without smiling,

because without thought, there’d be nothing
for the fallen to feast upon.
The young believed

the dead were not dead, but college-graduated
for service at multiple jobs.
Once rigor mortis set in,

it became harder to arrange hands in prayer.
The preacher broke some knees
with a metal mallet.

[Disposable Poem November 20,2013]
Dr. Mike