Saturday, December 17, 2011


Which is older,
an acorn or an oak?

Which is deeper,
an eye or an ocean?

Which is harder,
a child or a parent?

Which is wiser,
a question or an answer?

1 comment:

Dr. Mike said...

Dead On

The answer is an arrow
The heart pinned to woe
The arrow in the scroll

In flight its feathers whistle
For leaves of vanished trees
The answer is an arrow

It hurtles from dark cursives
Whose riddles puzzle readers
The arrow in the scroll

Scholars are splitting atoms
Miniaturizing nannos
The answer is an arrow

Encrypted acrostics
Hieroglyphs on stone
The arrow in the scroll

It shatters consciousness
Each time it strikes home
The answer is an arrow
The arrow in the scroll

[Disposable Poem April 10, 2010]
Dr. Mike