Monday, April 18, 2011

Familiar Paths

I travel the same paths, day in and day out. They're well worn in my mind.

I follow them because they simplify my life. They save me from having to think about how to get from where I am to where I want to be. The path is already laid out in my mind.

Is this why I'm here, though? To follow the same paths over and over?

It seems like such a waste to have this extravagantly mysterious experience I call my life, yet not examine it while I'm in it. I'd even argue that's why I'm here -- to explore this unique point of view.

When I help somebody else do the same, that completes the circle.

1 comment:

baroness radon said...

"The unexamined life is not worth living." (Socrates, in Plato, Dialogues, Apology; Greek philosopher in Athens,469-399 BCE)

Helping another gives this a nice spin.