Saturday, November 20, 2010

Talents and Skills

If I have a talent for something,
where does that talent lie --
in me or in the Tao from which I arise?

If I am skilled in certain tasks,
am I the source of these abilities,
or do they flow from the Divine?

When I claim what is not mine,
I become responsible
for the calamities that follow.

When I let go of what is not mine,
I become the bearer of gifts
I could never afford on my own.

1 comment:

Dr. Mike said...

Lightning Bug

Do you think before you dance?
Do your million filaments tweet?
Who wouldn’t be drawn to the light
After guiding the poets through?

There was always a second chance
At the end of every week
When you got the numbers right
And no one at the office knew.

To second guess romance
Means playing a hunch, discreet
As blushing in the night
Over who is kissing who.

[Disposable Poem November 20, 2010]
Dr. Mike